

1 A comment starts with two adjacent hyphens and extends up to the end of the line. 


2 comment ::= --{non_end_of_line_character}

3 A comment may appear on any line of a program

Static Semantics

4 The presence or absence of comments has no influence on whether a program is legal or illegal. Furthermore, comments do not influence the meaning of a program; their sole purpose is the enlightenment of the human reader.


5 Examples of comments:


--  the last sentence above echoes the Algol 68 report

end;  --  processing of Line is complete

--  a long comment may be split onto
--  two or more consecutive lines

----------------  the first two hyphens start the comment


Alexis Ada

As with the entire input text of a program, the UTF-8 input will be checked for normalization. If errors are detected, even within a comment, an error ensues. As for strings, a specific pragma allows for non-normalized characters in comments.

AAda understands the C++ comment introducer, a double slash (//), as such. It still generates an error as it is not correct in Ada.

AAda understands the shell comment introducer, a hash character (#), as such when the character is not preceeded by a digits (0-9). It still generates an error as it is not correct in Ada.

AAda detects the old Pascal comment introducer: (* and generates an error about it. It does not try to skip the comment.

AAda detects the C/C++ multi-line comment introducer /* and generates an error about it. It does not try to skip the comment.
