1 A number_declaration declares a named number.
1.a Discussion: {static} If a value or other property of a construct is required to be static that means it is required to be determined prior to execution. A static expression is an expression whose value is computed at compile time and is usable in contexts where the actual value might affect the legality of the construct. This is fully defined in clause 4.9.
2 number_declaration ::= defining_identifier_list : constant := static_expression;
3 {expected type (number_declaration expression) [partial]} The static_expression given for a number_declaration is expected to be of any numeric type.
4 The static_expression given for a number declaration shall be a static expression, as defined by clause 4.9.
5 The named number denotes a value of type universal_integer if the type of the static_expression is an integer type. The named number denotes a value of type universal_real if the type of the static_expression is a real type.
6 The value denoted by the named number is the value of the static_expression, converted to the corresponding universal type. {implicit subtype conversion (named number value) [partial]}
7 {elaboration (number_declaration) [partial]} The elaboration of a number_declaration has no effect.
7.a Proof: Since the static_expression was evaluated at compile time.
8 Examples of number declarations:
Two_Pi : constant := 2.0*Ada.Numerics.Pi; -- a real number (see A.5)
Max : constant := 500; -- an integer number Max_Line_Size : constant := Max/6; -- the integer 83 Power_16 : constant := 2**16; -- the integer 65_536 One, Un, Eins : constant := 1; -- three different names for 1
10.a {extensions to Ada 83} We now allow a static expression of any numeric type to initialize a named number. For integer types, it was possible in Ada 83 to use 'Pos to define a named number, but there was no way to use a static expression of some non-universal real type to define a named number. This change is upward compatible because of the preference rule for the operators of the root numeric types.
10.b We have moved the syntax rule into this subclause.
10.c AI83-00263 describes the elaboration of a number declaration in words similar to that of an object_declaration. However, since there is no expression to be evaluated and no object to be created, it seems simpler to say that the elaboration has no effect.