0.1/1 The International Standard for the programming language Ada is ISO/IEC 8652:1995(E).
0.2/1 The Ada Working Group ISO/IEC JTC1/SC 22/WG 9 is tasked by ISO with the work item to interpret and maintain the International Standard and to produce Technical Corrigenda, as appropriate. The technical work on the International Standard is performed by the Ada Rapporteur Group (ARG) of WG 9. In September 2000, WG 9 approved and forwarded Technical Corrigendum 1 to SC 22 for ISO approval, which was granted in February 2001. Technical Corrigendum 1 was published in June 2001.
0.3/2 In October 2002, WG 9 approved a schedule and guidelines for the preparation of an Amendment to the International Standard. WG 9 approved the scope of this Amendment in June 2004, with the completion of the Amendment expected in March 2006 and final approval in early 2007.
0.4/1 The Technical Corrigendum lists the individual changes that need to be made to the text of the International Standard to correct errors, omissions or inconsistencies. The corrections specified in Technical Corrigendum 1 are part of the International Standard ISO/IEC 8652:1995(E).
0.5/2 Similarly, Amendment 1 lists the individual changes that need to be made to the text of the International Standard to add new features as well as correct errors.
0.6/2 When ISO published Technical Corrigendum 1, it did not also publish a document that merges the changes from the Technical Corrigendum into the text of the International Standard. It is not known whether ISO will publish a document that merges the changes from Technical Corrigendum and Amendment 1 into the text of the International Standard. However, ISO rules require that the project editor for the International Standard be able to produce such a document on demand.
0.7/2 This version of the Ada Reference Manual is what the project editor would provide to ISO in response to such a request. It incorporates the changes specified in the Technical Corrigendum and Amendment into the text of ISO/IEC 8652:1995(E). It should be understood that the publication of any ISO document involves changes in general format, boilerplate, headers, etc., as well as a review by professional editors that may introduce editorial changes to the text. This version of the Ada Reference Manual is therefore neither an official ISO document, nor a version guaranteed to be identical to an official ISO document, should ISO decide to reprint the International Standard incorporating an approved Technical Corrigendum and Amendment. It is nevertheless a best effort to be as close as possible to the technical content of such an updated document. In the case of a conflict between this document and Amendment 1 or Technical Corrigendum 1 as approved by ISO (or between this document and the original 8652:1995 in the case of paragraphs not changed by Technical Corrigendum 1), the other documents contain the official text of the International Standard ISO/IEC 8652:1995(E) and its Amendment.
0.8/2 As it is very inconvenient to have the Reference Manual for Ada specified in three documents, this consolidated version of the Ada Reference Manual is made available to the public.
This very version is being modified as the Aada compiler is being written. It may includes inaccuracies and not be 100% up to date. For a current version, please refer to the source of the Ada 2005 RM.